Nagano prefecture
This is a list of companies in Nagano Prefecture. You can also search by area by selecting a child category.
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Displaying 1 to 9 of 9 items
Tomi City
Tomi City is a corporation located in 281-2, Tomi City, Nagano Prefecture (corporate number: 2000020202193). Last registration update was in 2015...
Shinano Mainichi Shimbun Co., Ltd.
Shinano Mainichi Shimbun Co., Ltd. (Shinano Mainichi Shimbun) was founded on July 5, 1873, and is headed by Sotaro Kosaka, the president and representative director of Nagano Prefecture.
Human Index Co., Ltd.
Human Index Co., Ltd. (Human Index) was founded in October 2006 and is headed by Seiji Kobayashi as president/representative.
Bellpalm Co., Ltd.
Belpalm Limited Company (Belpalm) is a corporation located at 2-1-1 Ote, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture (corporate number: 5100002021426). Final climb...
Teoria Lumbertech Co., Ltd. (former name: Lumbertech Co., Ltd.)
Teoria Lumber Tech Co., Ltd. (Teoria Lumber Tech) is a corporation located at 7189-2 Sasaga, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture (corporate number...
Miyajima Liquor Store Limited Partnership Company
Miyajima Liquor Store LLC is a corporation located at 3629-1 Arai, Ina City, Nagano Prefecture, established in 1911 and headed by Satoshi Miyajima (corporate number: 91000…
Hakuba Morino Wasabi Farm Co., Ltd.
Hakuba Morino Wasabi Farm Co., Ltd. was established in 2017 and is located at 19520-1 Kamishiro, Hakuba Village, Kitaazumi District, Nagano Prefecture.
Strategic Design Lab Co., Ltd.
Strategic Design Lab Co., Ltd. (Senryaku Design Lab) is a corporation located at 2-21-11 Miwa, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, established in 2020 (legal...
Hoshino Resorts Co., Ltd.
Hoshino Resorts Co., Ltd. (Hoshino Resort) was founded in January 1951 and is located at 21 Nagakura, Karuizawa-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture, where Yoshiji Hoshino is the president/representative.
Displaying 1 to 9 of 9 items