Kagoshima prefecture
This is a list of companies in Kagoshima Prefecture. You can also search by area by selecting a child category.
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Displaying 1 to 4 of 4 items
Utsurohi LLC
Utsurohi LLC is a corporation located in 1091-1 Karishuku, Osaki-cho, Soo-gun, Kagoshima Prefecture, established in 2024 (corporate number: 6340003004413…
Honbo Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
Honbo Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. (Honbo Shuzo) was founded in 1955 and is located at 3-27 Minami Sakae, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, where Kazuto Honbo is the president/representative.
LR Co., Ltd.
LR Co., Ltd. (L.R.) is a corporation located at 1343-1, Ijuincho-gun, Hioki City, Kagoshima Prefecture, established in 2016 (corporate number: 5340001019629…
Akune City
Akune City is a corporation located at 200 Tsurumi-cho, Akune City, Kagoshima Prefecture (corporate number: 8000020462063). Final registration...
Displaying 1 to 4 of 4 items